Med Strat is a Algeria company, located in Cite 109 Logts Bt A8 N11 Etage4 El Djemila. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: Med StratCity/Province: Ainbenian,Wilayadalger,16067Country: AlgeriaAddress: Cite 109 Logts Bt A8 N11 Etage4 El DjemilaContact: Abdelmalek Badache Abdelmalek,Raber El Maizi ZoubirCategory Activities: Drug Wholesalers IndustryEmployees: 14Total Annual Sales: $5.64MProfile: Med Strat is located in AIN BENIAN, Wilaya d Alger, Algeria and is part of the Drug Wholesalers Industry. Med Strat has 14 total employees across all of its locations and generates 5.62 million in sales (USD). More Links Ser Co Hotel Ritage El Siha Med Strat Sarl Bridge Cosmetique Eurl Amarilla ‹ previous | next ›