Eurl Nahr Al Kinz Algerie is a Algeria company, located in Rue Bachir Boukadoum Groupment Commercial Ziat Hamza. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: Eurl Nahr Al Kinz AlgerieCity/Province: Elharrouch,Wilayadeskikda,21400Country: AlgeriaAddress: Rue Bachir Boukadoum Groupment Commercial Ziat HamzaContact: Faudil Boudoukhana FaudilCategory Activities: Drug Wholesalers IndustryEmployees: 14Total Annual Sales: $5.64MProfile: Eurl Nahr Al Kinz Algerie is located in EL HARROUCH, Wilaya de Skikda, Algeria and is part of the Drug Wholesalers Industry. Eurl Nahr Al Kinz Algerie has 14 total employees across all of its locations and generates 5.62 million in sales (USD). More Links Sarl Ab Parapharm Sarl Zed Bejaia Eurl Nahr Al Kinz Algerie Sarl Nour Cosmetique Eurl Oran Argan ‹ previous | next ›