Secur Afric is a Algeria company, located in 21 Hai Kaksine Group Malaki 274 Kism 01. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: Secur AfricCity/Province: Hammamet,Wilayadalger,16060Country: AlgeriaAddress: 21 Hai Kaksine Group Malaki 274 Kism 01Contact: Azedine Bessa Azedine,Nabil Bessa NabilCategory Activities: Real Estate IndustryEmployees: 20Total Annual Sales: $0.00MProfile: Secur Afric is located in HAMMAMET, Wilaya d Alger, Algeria and is part of the Real Estate Industry. Secur Afric has 20 total employees across all of its locations. More Links Sarl El Hadj El Bahi Eurl Souk Erafahia Secur Afric Sarl Ezzahra Tourisme Et Loisirs Centre Commercial Marignan ‹ previous | next ›