Centre Multifonction Turquoise is a Algeria company, located in Bd Kebar Adra N27 Lot N09. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: Centre Multifonction TurquoiseCity/Province: Annaba,Wilayadannaba,23000Country: AlgeriaAddress: Bd Kebar Adra N27 Lot N09Contact: Esghir Deda Esghir,Chihaoui Redouan,Deda ZakariaCategory Activities: Real Estate IndustryEmployees: 4Total Annual Sales: $0.00MProfile: Centre Multifonction Turquoise is located in ANNABA, Wilaya d Annaba, Algeria and is part of the Real Estate Industry. Centre Multifonction Turquoise has 4 total employees across all of its locations and generates 0.75 million in sales (USD). More Links El Assala El Akaria Sarl Massinissa Location De Locaux Commerciaux Centre Multifonction Turquoise Sarl Groupe Service Plus Eurl Nabil Building ‹ previous | next ›