Sarl Securite Preventive Sp is a Algeria company, located in 11 Rue Des Freres Lumieres. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: Sarl Securite Preventive SpCity/Province: Rouiba,Wilayadalger,16039Country: AlgeriaAddress: 11 Rue Des Freres LumieresContact: Boubekeur Benna Boubekeur,Akli Idrissi AkliCategory Activities: Real Estate IndustryEmployees: 4Total Annual Sales: $0.00MProfile: Sarl Securite Preventive Sp is located in ROUIBA, Wilaya d Alger, Algeria and is part of the Real Estate Industry. Sarl Securite Preventive Sp has 4 total employees across all of its locations and generates 0.11 million in sales (USD). More Links Sarl Ocama Sarl Securite Gardiennage Convoyage Essaada Sgce Sarl Securite Preventive Sp Vigile Plus Bre.Be.Co Algerie ‹ previous | next ›