Abi Giles is a Algeria company, located in 37Route Ouled Fayet Cite Sebai Ali Lot01Local06. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: Abi GilesCity/Province: Cheraga,Wilayadalger,16053Country: AlgeriaAddress: 37Route Ouled Fayet Cite Sebai Ali Lot01Local06Contact: Boualem Sebai BoualemCategory Activities: Real Estate IndustryEmployees: 4Total Annual Sales: $0.00MProfile: Abi Giles is located in CHERAGA, Wilaya d Alger, Algeria and is part of the Real Estate Industry. Abi Giles has 4 total employees across all of its locations and generates 0 million in sales (USD). More Links Rev Immo Sarl Ghf Groupe Hasnaoui Finance Abi Giles Eurl Entreprise Brahimi Fatiha Snc Atifa Agence De Transactions Immobiliere Farhi & Adjou ‹ previous | next ›