Sarl Tuyaux Dynamic Systeme Industrie T.D.S.I is a Algeria company, located in Zone Industriele Klia Sidi Ahmed Saida. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: Sarl Tuyaux Dynamic Systeme Industrie T.D.S.ICity/Province: Sidiahmed,Wilayadesaida,20172Country: AlgeriaAddress: Zone Industriele Klia Sidi Ahmed SaidaContact: Tahar Acher,Abdallah Bouabdellah,Amina Zine Elhoda BrahimCategory Activities: Steel Production IndustryEmployees: 50Total Annual Sales: $4.45MProfile: Sarl Tuyaux Dynamic Systeme Industrie T.D.S.I is located in SIDI AHMED, Wilaya de Saida, Algeria and is part of the Steel Production Industry. Sarl Tuyaux Dynamic Systeme Industrie T.D.S.I has 50 total employees across all of its locations and generates 4.44 million in sales (USD). More Links Steel Leader Jin Ba Sarl Tuyaux Dynamic Systeme Industrie T.D.S.I Sarl Azad Asta Steel ‹ previous | next ›