Agro-Alimentaire Mekhalfa is a Algeria company, located in Av Choufi Med Cne Chelghoum Laid. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: Agro-Alimentaire MekhalfaCity/Province: Mila,Wilayademila,43000Country: AlgeriaAddress: Av Choufi Med Cne Chelghoum LaidContact: Mekhalif Mohammed Cherif,Mekhalfa Tewfik Ahme Lakhdar,Mekhalfa WalidCategory Activities: Meat Product Manufacturing IndustryEmployees: 31Total Annual Sales: $0.00MProfile: Agro-Alimentaire Mekhalfa is located in MILA, Wilaya de Mila, Algeria and is part of the Meat Product Manufacturing Industry. Agro-Alimentaire Mekhalfa has 31 total employees across all of its locations and generates 5.04 million in sales (USD). More Links Sarl Boubasla Abattage Sarl Avi Coq Agro-Alimentaire Mekhalfa Sarl Angry Bird Sarl Abattoir Du Volaille El Baraka De L'Ouest ‹ previous | next ›