Massilia Djawda is a Algeria company, located in Zone Activite Ain Soltane Groupe Propretie79 Bloc 44 Lot N105. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: Massilia DjawdaCity/Province: Ainsoltane,WilayadesaidaCountry: AlgeriaAddress: Zone Activite Ain Soltane Groupe Propretie79 Bloc 44 Lot N105Contact: Abdelkrim FekihCategory Activities: Food Manufacturing IndustryEmployees: 50Total Annual Sales: $2.92MProfile: Massilia Djawda is located in AIN SOLTANE, Wilaya de Saida, Algeria and is part of the Food Manufacturing Industry. Massilia Djawda has 50 total employees across all of its locations and generates 2.9 million in sales (USD). More Links Numedia Agro Kiva Star Massilia Djawda Haddad Agro Alimentaire Moassassa Mahami Mohand Cherif ‹ previous | next ›