Sarayane Food And Beverage Industry is a Algeria company, located in Route De Wilaya N 111 Ferme Touri Hamida. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: Sarayane Food And Beverage IndustryCity/Province: Ainbenian,Wilayadalger,16067Country: AlgeriaAddress: Route De Wilaya N 111 Ferme Touri HamidaContact: Assia Lazouk Assia,Brahimi DjamelCategory Activities: Food Manufacturing IndustryEmployees: 50Total Annual Sales: $2.27MProfile: Sarayane Food And Beverage Industry is located in AIN BENIAN, Wilaya d Alger, Algeria and is part of the Food Manufacturing Industry. Sarayane Food And Beverage Industry has 50 total employees across all of its locations. More Links Sarl Freedom Park Sarl Freres Mokrani Fabrication De Pates Sarayane Food And Beverage Industry Sarl Palais Du Cafe Sarl Cafe Boukari ‹ previous | next ›