Eurl Tomocaba is a Algeria company, located in 158 Zone Industrielle N A. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: Eurl TomocabaCity/Province: Sidibelabbes,Wilayadesidibelabbes,22000Country: AlgeriaAddress: 158 Zone Industrielle N AContact: Badsi Abou Bakr EsseddikCategory Activities: Food Manufacturing IndustryEmployees: 50Total Annual Sales: $0.42MProfile: Eurl Tomocaba is located in SIDI BEL ABBES, Wilaya de Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria and is part of the Food Manufacturing Industry. Eurl Tomocaba has 50 total employees across all of its locations and generates 0.42 million in sales (USD). More Links Sarl Societe Algero-Tunisienne Des Technologies Alimentair Box International Eurl Tomocaba Sarl Diam Grain Food Djemara Conserves Alimentaires ‹ previous | next ›