Noor Food Treding is a Algeria company, located in Local 01 Lotissement 307 N77 Act Lotissement 436 Tranche 17 N65. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: Noor Food TredingCity/Province: Gdyel,Wilayadoran,31260Country: AlgeriaAddress: Local 01 Lotissement 307 N77 Act Lotissement 436 Tranche 17 N65Contact: Abdelkarim Larbi Ben Hadjar,Zoubir Larbi Ben HadjarCategory Activities: Food Manufacturing IndustryEmployees: 50Total Annual Sales: $0.00MProfile: Noor Food Treding is located in GDYEL, Wilaya d Oran, Algeria and is part of the Food Manufacturing Industry. Noor Food Treding has 50 total employees across all of its locations and generates 0 million in sales (USD). More Links Cafe Horra Eurl Rayane-Caf Noor Food Treding Amamra Chic Magistique Sarl Fabrication Algerienne Des Produits Aromatiques Alimantaires ‹ previous | next ›