Snc Agro Secteur Keddah & Freres is a Algeria company, located in Cite 200 Logts. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: Snc Agro Secteur Keddah & FreresCity/Province: Benimered,Wilayadeblida,09130Country: AlgeriaAddress: Cite 200 LogtsContact: Mustapha Keddah Mustapha,Nasser Keddah NasserCategory Activities: Food Manufacturing IndustryEmployees: 50Total Annual Sales: $0.12MProfile: Snc Agro Secteur Keddah & Freres is located in BENI MERED, Wilaya de Blida, Algeria and is part of the Food Manufacturing Industry. Snc Agro Secteur Keddah & Freres has 50 total employees across all of its locations and generates 0.12 million in sales (USD). More Links Sarl Cafe Sidi Bouanaba Eurl Gout Arome Snc Agro Secteur Keddah & Freres Snc Mazounia Torrefaction Et Mouture De Cafe Freres Kerkouche Cafe Horra ‹ previous | next ›